How to Add Your Custom Font To Squarespace

Squarespace tutorial

Trying to figure out how to add your custom font to your Squarespace website?

Using custom fonts in your branding or on your website is a fantastic way to stand out and add a bit of polish to you brand personality:

Fonts can create mood and atmosphere. Fonts can give visual clues about the order a document should be read in and which parts are more important than others. Fonts can even be used to control how long it takes someone to read a document. The professional printing industry has recognized this fact for a long time.

- Purdue University

These days, custom fonts can help your brand feel even more authentic and bespoke. Here are just a few of my favorite fonts this month, now on Creative Market.

*Note: KStudio is an affiliate of Creative Market

Now that our eyes have feasted a little on some delicious design, let’s get to the real reason we’re here- THE TUTORIAL!

This tutorial is quick and you’ll just need a liiiiiittle bit of code for your Squarespace site which you can copy below the tutorial video. (If you’re using Canva for designs, you can also check out my article on how to upload custom fonts to Canva, here. )


Copy this code and follow the steps in the video above to add your custom font to Squarespace!

@font-face {

    font-family: 'FontTitle';

    src: url('FontURL');


h1 {font-family: 'FontTitle';}


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How to upload custom fonts to Canva