How To Get High-Quality Leads Through Your Website

The inquiries that come through on a day to day basis aren’t exactly what you were hoping for, and you’re tired of wasting time chasing low-quality leads who either can’t afford your services, or ask you to do things you don’t actually do.

Sound familiar?

“It looks like we get a lot of traffic to the website, but no ones buying or reaching out”

“People find the site, and fill out our form, but they never have the budget or just aren’t a good fit.”

“We have a lot of people interested on social, but no one ever goes to our website”

“I’m not sure what I’m missing, but no ones reaching out!”


Find out where your website visitors are coming from

You see the numbers and get hundreds of visitors per day, but then…crickets! What’s happening?

Depending on how you market your business, you could be sending the wrong type of buyer to your site. You might even have a fair amount of competitors checking out your website, fluffing up the numbers.

You’ve got to dig into the source of where your traffic is coming from, and then determine if that’s where your ideal clients hang out - or if you’re sending the wrong people to the wrong place.

Know your buyers & what info they need to make a decision

Think about the challenges your buyers face when making the decision to buy your solution or services. Have they tried to solve this problem before and failed? Been burned by other providers in the past?

Understanding their challenges to solving their problem in the first place will allow you to get in front of those challenges on your website. Gaining deeper insight around the buying behavior of your audience will help you to craft a website that’s going to build confidence in your brand, and increase your inquiries.

Consider the inquiry method

In some cases, your inquiry form might not get used as often as you’d like as some audiences prefer to do a quick dial or pop into a customer service chat to get their preliminary questions answered.

Take inventory of who your current clients are, and what types of clients you’re looking to attract.

Ask yourself how technologically savvy your buyers are, and determine whether or not a form makes sense, or how long or short that form should be.

You can also test out two different methods of inquiry, like a form or a phone number they can call directly from the site and see which is more popular.

A/B Test your website with your ideal buyers

If you’ve tried all-the-things (or only a few of the things) and you want more concrete evidence of what works best, consider A/B testing, also known as split testing.

Split testing will allow you to test out two different versions of your website by showing them to different visitors at the same time, to determine which version leaves the maximum impact and drive business metrics.

Place calls-to-action in the where interest piques

Make sure that your contact buttons are placed throughout your website, and in your navigation for quick and easy access on any page of your website to drive inquiries.

You want to place buttons, or calls-to-action, directly following information that may pique your buyers interest, guiding them to take action.


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